Thursday, December 12, 2019

EGHS Computer Science Fair Opportunities

A listing of opportunities that were available to students today during advisory, compliments of the Computer Science Club, Mrs. Eaves and Mrs. Steever. 

The following stations for students to visit:
1) Intro to Programming - add to a digital scene with Python Turtle.
Two students will be running code in which a picture is drawn.  Students will add to a scene with chunks of code.
Another student will be demonstrating some of the code he has created in the class.

2) AP CS Principles students will demo digital scenes with Javascript block coding and answering questions about AP CSP.

3) I have two BBC Microbit mini computers. Two students will be doing a physical computing demo.  One will be a reaction time game.  The other will play some music.  

4) Morgan Prior has been on two of our Technovation teams.  This is an entrepreneurial tech challenge for girls.  Morgan's 2018-19 team were regional finalists.  Last year, we did not place but Morgan will be demo-ing an app she built last year with MIT App Inventor.

5) Two students will be hosting an hour of code area, where they will encourage and direct students to some Hour of Code activities

6) Mr. Doucette is sending two or three students from his robotics team down for a robotics demo.

7) Mr. Lenox is sending down a student to show off the bots they use in physics.

8) The Cyberpatriot girls team and Girls Go Cyberstart team will be demoing cybersecurity puzzles and encryption.

9) There will be some books and career information as well.

Raffles and prizes for students who visit at least three stations.  Student Council generously provided raffle prizes and give-aways.

Thank you to everyone involved in creating and participating in this event!

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