Monday, November 2, 2015

Message From Unified Volleyball Coaches

The following is posted with permission from Coach Carosotto-

Hello EG players parents and fans,

Here is the final point compliments of coach Lisa McKay. I could watch this all night. It was such a wonderful game to watch on both sides of the court. Compliments to Hendricken for a great unified game. No one could deny it was the most exciting game of the season for both teams.

I know I use the word amazing so much with this team but I do not know a better word to describe your accomplishments throughout the season.

You have worked so hard on and off the court and made it happen tonight. You never faltered and brought your teammates up when they needed it. You never gave up on yourselves and stayed true to playing our game. Coach Egan and I never had any doubt that if you played well today you were going all the way. Please thank your families and friends for all their support. I have never seen a more spirited crowd. The East Greenwich High School and the East Greenwich community celebrates your victory. You have all impacted so many by your unity, spirit, hard work, dedication, and acceptance. We couldn't ask for more. Thank you all for coming along for the ride. We are honored to have coached all of you. Keep the memories close to your heart. It will be hard to beat.

Enjoy going to school tomorrow as State Champions.

123 Unified...456 Family...(now add) 789 Unified Champions!

Coach Carosotto and Coach Egan

1 comment:

  1. Incredible season with a remarkable group of people. Go Unified!
