Thursday, March 13, 2014

Students Become the Teachers

Scott Anderson, Sam Feinberg, and Garrett Scanlon look on as Connor Ross explains his original idea for a Zelda magical object.

In Mrs. O'Rourke's Origins of Fantasy classes, students are taking over classroom instruction!

Recognizing that students are fantasy experts in their own right, Mrs. O. decided to turn over the teaching reins for one day during the seven-day rotation schedule. Students have been developing their own lesson plans related to a fantasy subject that include clear objectives, a sequence of instruction, and even assessments. One of the best parts: Mrs. O. gets to participate as a student!

So far, classes have learned about The Legend of Zelda and the Steampunk fantasy sub-genre. On the docket include topics such as: unicorns and their origins in Bible readings, Pokemon, Stephen King and the horror fantasy sub-genre, dragon mythology, Dungeons and Dragons, magical objects and their importance to the hero's journey, and many more.

Mrs. O'Rourke is looking forward to participating in all of the upcoming lessons - and is aspiring to be a star student!

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